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-part-3 RULES OF NOON SAAKINAH&TANWEEN أحكامَ النونَ الساكنةَ وَالتنوٌين
-Noon sakinah is noon free from any vowel
without dammah, fatha, kasrah.
– It remains unchanged in its written form and as well as in pronunciation when continuing to read after it. and when stopping on it.
– The noon sakinah have a sukoon on it or can be written with no vowel.
– Noon sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs in the middle or at the end of the word and occurs in preposition and particles only at the end of the word.
• The Tanween is a term for extra noon sakinah not used for emphasis, found at the end of the nouns
when continuing the reading but absent from the noun in the written form (noon of tanween
pronounced not written).
Note: If we stop on Tanween Ad-damm (e.g َ )ألٌمwe will stop making sukoon on Meem and also in Tanween Al- kasr (e.g َ)مبٌن
we will stop making sukoon on Noon. But if we stop on tanween Al-fath (e.g )ماءاwe will stop by
pronouncing Alif (two vowel counts) .ماء
• There are four rules of tajweed applied to the Noon Saakinah and Tanween.
The four rules are:
1. Al-Ith-haar (Al-Idhhar) (ْ manifestation-clarity & appearance) ألاظهار الحلقى
2. Al-Idghaam (ْmerging, fusion and assimilation). الأدغام
3. Al-Iqlaab (turning and changing), الأٌقلاب
4. Al-Ikhfaa (hiding and concealment). الأخفاء الحقيقى
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