
Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Part-3

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Part-3

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–Tafkheem and Tarqeeq  Part-3    التــفــخــيـــم والتــرقــيــق الجزء الثالث 

Read: Part-1  Part-2

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq

3-The Letter Raa (را)

The Raa ( را ) letter has fourteen cases:

A-The Eight cases in which the raa را has Tafkheem.

B-The Four Cases in Which the raa را has Tarqeeq.

C-The Cases Where Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are Allowed of the را  raa.

A-The Eight cases in which the raa را has Tafkheem:

1-If it has a fat-hah, such as in: (رَمَضَان).

2- If it is saakinah and before the raa is a letter with a fat-ha, as in: ( قَرْنَاً ).

3-If it is saakinah and the letter before it has a sukoon, and the letter before that has a fat-h, as when stopping on the word  ( وَالْفَجْرِ ).

4- If it has a dhammah, as in: ( كَفَرُوا  ).

5- If it raa has a sukoon, and the letter before it has a dhammah, such as in:  ( الْقُرْآنِ  ) .

6-If the raa is saakinah, preceded by a saakin, which is preceded by a dhammah. As when stopping on the word: ( خُسْرٍ  ).

7-If the raa is saakinah and preceded by a presented kasrah (this is in the hamzah wasl). The raa is pronounced with tafkheem when preceded by hamzah wasl, if we start on the hamzah wasl with a
kasrah, or if continuing from the previous word.  (  مَنِ ارْتَضَى – ارْجِعُوا  )

8- If the raa is saakinah and before is a kasrah, and after the raa a letter of Isti’laa (heavy letter) that does NOT have a kasrah meaning it has any vowel (including the sukoon) except a kasrah and only came with
Fat-ha in five words:

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq part3

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B-The Four Cases in Which the raa را has Tarqeeq.

1- if the raa has a kasrah, as in: ( رِيحٌ – فَرِيقٌ  ) .

2-If the raa is saakinah, and a kasrah precedes it, such as: ( فِرْعَوْنُ  ) .

3-If the raa is saakinah, and the letter before it is saakin, and the letter before that has a kasrah. This would occur when stopping, as in: (حَجْرٍ ).

4- If raa is saakinah, and a yaa يا saakinah precedes it, The raa in this case has tarqeeq no matter what kind of vowel precedes the yaa sakinah as when on stopping on raa as in: ( قَدِيرٌ ) .

C-The Cases Where Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are Allowed of the را  raa.

1- If raa is saakinah, and it is preceded by a kasrah, and it is followed by a letter of Isti’laa group (heavy letter), and this letter has a kasrah.
There is only one example of this in the Holy Quran, and that is the word.   فِرْقٍ كَالطَّوْدِ

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are allowed of the raa when continuing the reading, not when stopping on Qaf.
On stopping on Qaf the raa has tafkheem, according to the eighth case in which the raa has tafkheem.

2-If the raa is saakinah and it is preceded by a saakin letter, which is preceded by a kasrah, and the saakin letter which precedes the raa is a letter of isti’laa group.
There are two words in the Quran that have these circumstances when stopping on them. These two words can be read with tafkheem or tarqeeq of the raa, They are the words  ( مِصْرَ  – الْقِطْرِ )

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