Mistakes in tajweed:
The scholars have divided the types of mistakes one might fall into when reciting the Quran into two types :
• The Clear mistakes must be avoided by all and to avoid them one must know the rules of Tajweed.
• If a person falls into the Clear Mistakes, this is considered a sin and Ibn Taymiyyah even regarded it undesirable for a Student of Knowledge (i.e. someone who knows Tajweed) to pray behind a person who makes clear Mistakes in their Salaah.
• Very Obvious and can be felt.
• Changes the meaning of Quran‟s Words.
• Must Avoid it at every Cost.
• These mistakes are Haram.
• The ruling on Hidden/ unobvious is lighter and the recitation of a person falling into this type of mistake is regarded as lacking in completeness.
• A mistake that although does not change the meaning of Quranic words but the beauty of the words diminishes
• Reading against the rules of different letters falls under this category.
• This mistake is “makrooh” (disliked) Also it could be Haram if done intentionally.
Examples :
-To overlook the rules of the thick / full mouth (tafkheem) letters and the thin / empty mouth. ( Tarqeeq) letters.
• Not to adhere to the rules of ith’har, idghaam and ikhfaa in their respective places whilst reciting the Quran.
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